Saturday, April 12, 2014

Big & Mysterious History of Sioux City, Iowa: Roberts and Cordura Murder, Finale?

This concludes the story of the murder of Henry Cordura and Thomas Roberts. Or does it? This murder mystery is still unsolved. It is still unknown as to who actually killed Henry and Thomas. As already stated in a previous article this is very likely Sioux City's and Woodbury County's oldest unsolved murder and oldest unofficial cold case.

As far as what I personally think after conducting all of the research I have, well I do not think the Indians did it. I think they were used as a "scape goat".  I think this was done to provide an excuse to go after Indians with force. Up until this point there had only been small skirmishes between the Indians and whites. Even the Spirit Lake Massacre did not spur any sort of major military or vigilante action. But after Henry and Thomas were killed things escalated between the whites and the Indians and the Indians came out of it worse than the whites.

I also think the investigation was shoddy at best. No official investigation was done by law enforcement of the time, and Sioux City had a police dept. and Woodbury County certainly had a sheriff's dept. There was no autopsy done and forensic science did exist. Instead what amounted to a vigilante organization chased after who they assumed committed the murder. Until evidence is provided to change my theory my personal opinion will stand as such.

What I personally think should happen with the monument is it should not remain in storage nor should it be re-installed along Correctionville Rd, near where the murder took place. Instead it should have an additional plaque added to it stating where the monument was originally installed, why it was removed, where it was placed in storage and be placed at the grave of Henry Cordura and Thomas Roberts to be used as a headstone where they are buried in Sioux City's Floyd Cemetery. I do not think the original inscription should be removed because it should serve as a reminder of what happens when people are accused of something with out proof.

There will be at least one more article later in 2014 showing photos of the area as it looks today where Henry and Thomas were killed and photos showing their grave.

If there is anyone who reads these articles has any additional info. you think should be added please contact me and I will consider doing so.

Next will be articles showing the complete manuscripts and documents used in the research. But for now this is the final article on: Big & Mysterious History of Sioux City, Iowa: Roberts and Cordura Murder

Previous articles in the series:
Big & Mysterious History of Sioux City, Iowa: Roberts and Cordura Murder, Intro and Info.
Big & Mysterious History of Sioux City, Iowa: Roberts and Cordura Murder, Credits and Thanks
Big & Mysterious History of Sioux City, Iowa: Roberts and Cordura Murder, Pre-Sioux City
Big & Mysterious History of Sioux City, Iowa: Roberts and Cordura Murder, Lewis and Clark Expedition
Big & Mysterious History of Sioux City, Iowa: Roberts and Cordura Murder, William Thompson
Big & Mysterious History of Sioux City, Iowa: Roberts and Cordura Murder, Theophile Bruguier
Big & Mysterious History of Sioux City, Iowa: Roberts and Cordura Murder, Joseph Leonais
Big & Mysterious History of Sioux City, Iowa: Roberts and Cordura Murder, Dr. John Cook
Big & Mysterious History of Sioux City, Iowa: Roberts and Cordura Murder, Settlement to City
Big & Mysterious History of Sioux City, Iowa: Roberts and Cordura Murder, Justice
Big & Mysterious History of Sioux City, Iowa: Roberts and Cordura Murder, Firearms
Big & Mysterious History of Sioux City, Iowa: Roberts and Cordura Murder, Public Officials
Big & Mysterious History of Sioux City, Iowa: Roberts and Cordura Murder, Sioux City Eagle
Big & Mysterious History of Sioux City, Iowa: Roberts and Cordura Murder, John Brazo
Big & Mysterious History of Sioux City, Iowa: Roberts and Cordura Murder, Recap, Summary and What's Next
Big & Mysterious History of Sioux City, Iowa: Roberts and Cordura Murder, When Indians Arrived
Big & Mysterious History of Sioux City, Iowa: Roberts and Cordura Murder, Craftsmen and Builders
Big & Mysterious History of Sioux City, Iowa: Roberts and Cordura Murder, Santee Tribe
Big & Mysterious History of Sioux City, Iowa: Roberts and Cordura Murder, Yankton Sioux Tribe
Big & Mysterious History of Sioux City, Iowa: Roberts and Cordura Murder, Winnebago Tribe
Big & Mysterious History of Sioux City, Iowa: Roberts and Cordura Murder, Prairie and Plains Indians
Big & Mysterious History of Sioux City, Iowa: Roberts and Cordura Murder, Policy of Indians to Kill Women and Children of  Hostile Tribes
Big & Mysterious History of Sioux City, Iowa: Roberts and Cordura Murder, Incidents, Skirmishes, and other Battles with Indians
Big & Mysterious History of Sioux City, Iowa: Roberts and Cordura Murder, Recap and Summary II
Big & Mysterious History of Sioux City, Iowa: Roberts and Cordura Murder, The Murder
Big & Mysterious History of Sioux City, Iowa: Roberts and Cordura Murder, Chasing and Protection from the Indians
Big & Mysterious History of Sioux City, Iowa: Roberts and Cordura Murder, Installation of the Memorial
Big & Mysterious History of Sioux City, Iowa: Roberts and Cordura Murder, Removal of the Memorial
Big & Mysterious History of Sioux City, Iowa: Roberts and Cordura Murder, Cole's Addition

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