Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Nature's Kaleidoscope: Digging into the Past - Silicates: Feldspar

On temporary display at the Sioux City Public Museum is the Nature's Kaleidoscope: Digging into the Past exhibit.

This is part of the exhibit:

Previous articles in the series:
Nature's Kaleidoscope: Digging into the Past - Silicates: Chrysocolla
Nature's Kaleidoscope: Digging into the Past - Silicates: Chrysotile
Nature's Kaleidoscope: Digging into the Past - Silicates: Clinohedrite and Willemite
Nature's Kaleidoscope: Digging into the Past - Silicates: Danburite
Nature's Kaleidoscope: Digging into the Past - Silicates: Emerald
Nature's Kaleidoscope: Digging into the Past - Silicates: Esperite and Willemete
Nature's Kaleidoscope: Digging into the Past - Silicates: Eucryptite
Nature's Kaleidoscope: Digging into the Past - Silicates: Eudialyte

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